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cats:procedures:futures:pricefixing [2016/02/15 17:14] – [Price-Fixing Letter] jencats:procedures:futures:pricefixing [2017/12/19 03:21] (current) – external edit
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 =====Price-fixing and Hedging from the Contract Item===== =====Price-fixing and Hedging from the Contract Item=====
 +{{entry>0;To Be Fixed Trades;-}}{{entry>0;Price Fixing Letter;-}}
 CATS uses a system of several different types of trades. You can manage all the operations for hedging and futures against a physical trade using the **Hedge/Fx** menu. Physical trades are classified as either To-Be-Fixed (also called Unpriced or Fixing Required) or Fixed (also called Priced or Fixing Actual trades).  CATS uses a system of several different types of trades. You can manage all the operations for hedging and futures against a physical trade using the **Hedge/Fx** menu. Physical trades are classified as either To-Be-Fixed (also called Unpriced or Fixing Required) or Fixed (also called Priced or Fixing Actual trades). 
Line 76: Line 78:
 ===Prepare/Review price fixing letter=== ===Prepare/Review price fixing letter===
-Create or review the price fixing letter. See the section on price-fixing letters below+Create or review the price fixing letter. See the wiki on creating a [[cats:procedures:contract:pricefixingletter|Price Fixing Letter]].
 ===Edit a futures trade=== ===Edit a futures trade===
Line 117: Line 119:
 [{{:cats:procedures:futures:pricefixing_deleteconfirm.png|Confirm Deletion of Trade}}] [{{:cats:procedures:futures:pricefixing_deleteconfirm.png|Confirm Deletion of Trade}}]
-Select **Yes** to continue with deleting the trade of **No** to cancel.  +Select **Yes** to continue with deleting the trade or **No** to cancel. 
- +
-====Price-Fixing Letter==== +
-The price-fixing letter is a confirmation of fixation of trades sent to the counterparty. To create a price-fixing letter, select **Hedge/Fx > Prepare/Review Price-fixing letter.** +
-[{{:cats:procedures:futures:pricefixing_createpfletter.png|Create a Price-Fixing letter from the Item Menu}}] +
-  +
-CATS displays a dialog reflecting the current price fixing status of the contract item. You can specify whether the PF letter is Fully or Partially fixed and even set the number of bags. Click "Apply" (F2) to create the letter. +
-[{{:cats:procedures:futures:pricefixing_pfletteroptions.png|Price-Fixing Letter Options - Full or Partial Fixing}}] +
- +
-CATS will generate the price fixing letter. The language on the letter is automatically generated by CATS to match the information on the contract item. +
-[{{:cats:procedures:futures:pricefixing_pfletter.png|A Price-Fixing Letter}}] +
- +
-If you attempt to create a price-fixing letter for an item that does not have lots fixed (or with a fixed price), you will get a warning that there are no lots to fix.  +
-[{{:cats:procedures:futures:pricefixing_totalunitstofixiszero.png|No Units to Fix Warning}}] +
- +
-===Price Fixing Letter Menu=== +
-Several options are available for you to use when working with price-fixing letters.  +
-[{{:cats:procedures:futures:pricefixing_pflettermenu.png|Price-Fixing Letter Menu}}] +
- +
-**Edit** - Modify the language of the letter. Use this menu option to gain access to the text fields to modify the existing letter.  +
- +
-**Prn** - Print the price fixing letter. As with other areas in CATS, you can choose the output from the menu.  +
-[{{:cats:procedures:printmenu_html_openinbrowser.png|Print Price-Fixing Letter}}] +
- +
-**Addr** - Select a different address from the Name & Address file. +
- +
-**Review** - View a list of all the price fixing letters for this item. +
- +
-**Add** - Add another price fixing letter. You can create multiple price-fixing letters, if the fixation price changes or you want to show partial fixings on separate letters.  +
- +
-**Del** - Delete the current price fixing letter. +
- +
-This concludes the tutorial on price fixing from the contract item screen+
-{{tag>"to be fixed trades" "fixing actual trades" "price fixing letter" "liquidate a future trade"}}+{{tag>"to be fixed trades" "fixing actual trades" "liquidate a future trade"}}
  • cats/procedures/futures/pricefixing.1455556492.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/12/19 03:21
  • (external edit)