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cats:procedures:traffic:trucking [2024/11/13 21:38] amandacats:procedures:traffic:trucking [2024/11/14 19:06] (current) amanda
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 CATS allows you to add a trucking/freight charge to a delivery order (a DO or an IDO). This lets you enter details about the shipment and also allows you to bill the freight to a customer.  CATS allows you to add a trucking/freight charge to a delivery order (a DO or an IDO). This lets you enter details about the shipment and also allows you to bill the freight to a customer. 
-<note tip>Ask NDS for help with turning on the trucking feature.</note>+<note tip>Although we refer to these items as trucking charges, they can also be used for other shipments such as drayage or freight.</note>
 ====Setting up Trucking Charges==== ====Setting up Trucking Charges====
-First, you will need to turn on the setting to attach trucking charges to a DO. +First, you will need to turn on the setting to attach trucking charges to a DO.\\ 
-===Turning on Trucking Tracking=== +
-Go to **File > Maintenance > Setup > Traffic Setup**, then click on the **Traffic Orders** tab. +
-Click on the box next to **Enable trucking delivery tracking from the DO.**+Go to **File > Maintenance > Setup > Traffic Setup**.\\   
 +[{{:cats:procedures:traffic:trucking_trafficsetup_open.png|Go to File > Maintenance > Setup > Traffic Setup to access the setting.}}] 
 +Select the **Traffic Orders** tab.\\  
 +Click on the box next to **Enable trucking delivery tracking from the DO.**\\  
 +[{{:cats:procedures:traffic:trucking_trafficsettingenableandreasons.png|Click on the box next to Enable trucking delivery tracking from the DO.}}]
 Then, set up the Trucking Reasons. Then, set up the Trucking Reasons.
 ===Entering Reasons for Billing=== ===Entering Reasons for Billing===
-The assumption on DOs is that trucking is billed to the customer. If you are **NOT** going to do this, you must choose a reason on each DO to bill to your own account.+The assumption on DOs is that trucking is billed to the customer. If you are **NOT** going to do this, you must choose a reason on each DO to bill to your own account.\\ 
-Click on the **Trucking Reasons...** button. A new box will pop up that prompts you to enter reasons for billing to your account instead of the client/customer account. +Click on the **Trucking Reasons...** button. A new box will pop up that prompts you to enter reasons for billing to your account instead of the client/customer account.\\ 
-Enter each reason using your keyboard. Each new line will be a reason. Select the **OK** button to continue.+
-Pick Save on the Traffic Setup screen to proceed.+Enter each reason using your keyboard. Each new line will be a reason. Select the **OK** button to continue.\\  
 +[{{:cats:procedures:traffic:trucking_setupreasonslist.png|Enter reasons separated by line, then select OK.}}] 
 +Pick Save on the Traffic Setup screen to proceed.\\ 
 ====Adding Trucking Charges to a DO==== ====Adding Trucking Charges to a DO====
 +Navigate to the DO or IDO that needs a trucking charge. 
 +Select **Truck** from the menu to enter a trucking entry.
 +[{{:cats:procedures:traffic:trucking_selecttruckondo.png|Select Truck from the menu on a DO.}}]
 +A new screen will pop up that prompts you to enter details for this trucking shipment.
 +[{{:cats:procedures:traffic:trucking_emptytruckrecordondo.png|Trucking entry screen.}}]
 ===Entering Details for a Trucking Charge=== ===Entering Details for a Trucking Charge===
 +Fill in the correct Cost code in the top right on this screen. You MUST fill in the following fields:
 +  * **Broker**: An account code linked to the trucking broker or carrier.
 +  * **Carrier**: A freeform field to list the carrier name.
 +  * **Cost Code**: Cost code, linked to a G/L code set up elsewhere in the system.
 +  * **Amount**: Amount of trucking charge.
 +  * **Surcharge**: 
 +  * **Tracking**: A tracking number for this shipment.
 +  * **Billable**: Amount + Surcharge that is billable to the customer (see below).\\ 
 +===Choose the Billing Type===
 +For a shipment that will be billed to a customer, make sure the **Bill to customer** box is checked. \\ 
 +Also, enter an amount in the **Amount** and **Billable** fields as well.\\ 
 +[{{:cats:procedures:traffic:trucking_billtocustomerfilledin.png|Fill in the Billable field and pick Bill to customer.}}]
 +Then, select **Save** to continue.
 +For a shipment that you will pay, un-check the **Bill to customer** box, then select a reason why you are going to pay for the shipment yourself from the list.
 +[{{:cats:procedures:traffic:trucking_billtoselffilledin.png|Un-check the bill to customer option and enter a reason.}}]
 +Pick Save to exit back to the DO.
 +Once you have finished with the trucking charge, you can leave the DO and work in CATS.
 ====Adding an Invoice Item for a Trucking Charge==== ====Adding an Invoice Item for a Trucking Charge====
 When you create a sale invoice that references this sale contract, CATS will add a trucking charge to the item for the appropriate amount of units or weight based on the location screen you pick. When you create a sale invoice that references this sale contract, CATS will add a trucking charge to the item for the appropriate amount of units or weight based on the location screen you pick.
-====The Trucking Report==== +====Reviewing Trucking Entries==== 
-Under **Traffic > Trucking**, you can see a list of the trucking charges that have been entered into the system. +Under **Traffic > Trucking**, you can see a list of the trucking charges that have been entered into the system.\\   
 +[{{:cats:procedures:traffic:trucking_accesstrucking.png|Access the trucking area.}}] 
 +From here you can print reports, download a list of entries, or filter and search this list.\\  
 +[{{:cats:procedures:traffic:trucking_listofshipments.png|See a list of trucking entries under Traffic > Trucking.}}] 
 +By clicking on the menu item for **Tools > Show** delivered, you can see a list of entries that have been completed.\\  
 +[{{:cats:procedures:traffic:trucking_showdeliveredscan.png|Click on Tools > Show Delivered to see closed shipments.}}] 
 +===Printing a Trucking Report=== 
 +Select Report from the scan menu to see a list of reports that you can print or create a new report. 
 +[{{:cats:procedures:traffic:trucking_listoftruckingreports.png|List of Trucking reports}}] 
 +Use the filters, columns, and orders to set up the report, then print it to review trucking entries. 
 +[{{:cats:procedures:traffic:trucking_reportoptions.png|Trucking Report Options}}] 
 +Then print the report. 
  • cats/procedures/traffic/trucking.1731533889.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/11/13 21:38
  • by amanda