=====Contract Data Entry=====
This is a step-by-step description of how to create new contracts in CATS. A contract is what CATS uses to represent a set of trades linked to a legally binding contract.
{{entry>0;New Contract;-}}{{entry>0;Physical Trade;-}}{{entry>0;Pricing Options;-}}{{entry>0;Broker;-}}
====Creating a New Contract====
From the main menu, select **File > Contracts > Purchase > Add**.
[{{:cats:procedures:contract:contractentry_addmenu.png|Add a Purchase Contract}}]
You will be prompted to enter a new contract number for this contract. CATS automatically increments the next contract number available in the file.
[{{:cats:procedures:contract:contractentry_entercno.png|Enter the New Contract Number}}]
You can copy information from an existing contract (including from a purchase to a sale) by using the check boxes provided.
A blank contract details screen will now pop up.
[{{:cats:procedures:contract:contractentry_blankedit.png|Contract Main Screen Details}}]
Enter the relevant information for the new contract. A contract must have a **Date**, **Vendor**, **Terms**, **Payment** and **Country**.
If you do not know the correct code, enter **''ZZZ''** (or any false code) and CATS will call up a list of codes in the system for that field. Select the correct code and pick **Continue** to save and keep adding the contract.
[{{:cats:procedures:contract:contractentry_selectcodefromlist.png|Select a Code from the List}}]
When you have finished filling in fields, select **Save** from the menu (or press [F2]) to proceed.
[{{:cats:procedures:contract:contractentry_filledinfields.png|Save Completed Contract Entry}}]
Next, CATS will prompt you to enter a new contract item.
====Entering Physical Trade (Item) Information====
Each item on a contract represents a physical trade. When first entering a contract item, all fields are editable. After the item is saved, each area is editable separately by using the menu items.
[{{:cats:procedures:contract:contractentry_itemmenu.png|Item Screen Menu}}]
===The Grade and Optional Identifier===
Enter the **Grade** code for the new item. The **Optional Identifier** field is an open field used to differentiate between items with the same grade. The entered grade code and six-character identifier must be unique per contract.
[{{:cats:procedures:contract:contract_enterproddescript.png?|Enter Grade Code for New Item}}]
===Adding Units to the Item===
CATS will ask you to input the total number of units and weight for the item.
[{{:cats:procedures:contract:contractentry_unitsandweight.png|Enter Units and Weight}}]
CATS pulls in the default bag weight and weight basis from the grade code. Enter the **''Units''**, and CATS will calculate the **''Weight''** based on the bag weight. Alternatively, you can enter the total weight and have CATS calculate the units, or zero out the bag weight and have CATS calculate the **''[Weight] per [Unit]''** field.
To modify the weight or units on a previously-created item, select **Cha** from the toolbar menu.
CATS will create the Item screen.
[{{:cats:procedures:contract:contractentry_itemfields.png|The Contract Item Screen}}]
To access the contract item directly from the main menu, choose File > Contracts > Purchase > Item and then select "Add" from the menu.
===Shipment Position and Note===
Fill in the shipment position. This is the month under which this material will appear on open position reports. Enter the Arrival/Delivery type to further specify the position.
[{{:cats:procedures:contract:contractentry_positionfields.png|Position Fields on Contract Item}}]
On previously existing items, if you enter a **Destination** code, you will be asked if you want to update existing records (location screens) with this information.
To modify the shipment position on an existing item, select **Shp** from the toolbar menu.
There is also an optional **Note** field here. To change the grade note, choose **&** from the menu. This grade note is often used for contract confirmation details.
====Pricing Options====
CATS allows you to enter the price as a fixed price or as a differential based on the market price for an upcoming position month.
[{{:cats:procedures:contract:contractentry_pricechoices.png|Price Options for Items}}]
===Fixed Price===
Enter the price as dollars per pound (or other price basis, such as per KG or per MT). You can enter the price in another currency by filling in the **Cur** and **Currency Rate** fields.
[{{:cats:procedures:contract:contractentry_fixedprice.png|Fixed Price on an Item}}]
To update the price on an item, select **Price** from the menu.
===Differential Price===
Enter the differential, basis, currency (if needed) and position. If the basis is pounds and the currency is USD, the differential is measured in cents-per-pound. Otherwise, it will be measured in dollars (or whatever the currency is).
[{{:cats:procedures:contract:contractentry_priceasdifferential.png|Differential Price}}]
When you enter the price as a differential (rather than a fixed price) CATS will ask you whether you want to create the price fixing.
[{{:cats:procedures:contract:contractentry_createpricefixingyesno.png|Create Price Fixing Confirmation}}]
Click on **Yes** to allow CATS to create the To-Be-Fixed trades for this contract item. You can also create these entries manually.
The item now shows the 4 lots to be fixed.
[{{:cats:procedures:contract:contractentry_tbftrades.png|To-Be-Fixed Lots on Item Screen}}]
To edit the differential price on an existing item, select **Dffntl$** from the menu to enter the price as a differential. Enter the differential, the exchange, and the position.
====Save Changes====
When you have finished entering position and pricing information, select **Save** from the menu to view the item screen.
[{{:cats:procedures:contract:contractentry_itemfilledin.png|Save the Item Information}}]
Select **Exit** to return to the main contract screen or **Add** to create a new item.
====Add Items Using Shop====
Add new items and allocate purchases to any sale contract using Shop. The Shop feature is found on every sale, new or existing. Open the sale contract and go to **Shop** on the top menu bar to start item shopping.
[{{:cats:procedures:contract:shop_accessmenu.png?|Shopping feature access on a sale}}]
Use this dialog menu to add items to a sale contract by "shopping" from your existing purchase material. Select a traffic screen using one of the filters.\\
**Select Traffic Screen** - Search by purchase, grade or loc number. Highlight location screen you want to use and the press **Continue**.\\
[{{:cats:procedures:contract:shop_filterbypo.png?|Filter by purchase order}}]
**Select Inventory** - Search by warehouse or destination. Highlight location screen you want to use and the press **Continue**.\\
[{{:cats:procedures:contract:shop_filterbywarehouse.png?|Filter by warehouse}}]
Enter the dates for the new sale items.
[{{:cats:procedures:contract:shop_adddefaultvalues.png?|Add default values}}]
**Default Values for New Items** - Enter ship position, Diff position, Weight or Price basis. These
values will be the default for the new items.\\
**Enter Fixed Prices** - Click this box, to enter a fixed price. If the the box is un-checked, then differential will be the default. \\
**Reservation Mode** - Clicking this box will reserve the inventory but will not allocate it.
Once you have selected the traffic screen you want, you will add the contract item and product description
[{{:cats:procedures:contract:shop_enterproductdesc.png?|Enter product description.}}]
The item will be listed on the screen. When you are done adding items, press **Create Items**.
[{{:cats:procedures:contract:shop_createitems.png?|Create items}}]
====Broker Information====
From the main contract screen, select **Brk** to add a broker commission to the contract.
[{{:cats:procedures:contract:contractentry_addbrokerinfo.png|Adding Broker Commission Information}}]
CATS will prompt you for an amount per measure. If the basis is pounds and the currency is USD, the commission is measured in cents-per-pound. Otherwise, it will be calculated in dollars (currency) per measure (such as MT).
[{{:cats:procedures:contract:contractentry_brokerfields.png|Enter Commission Amount per Unit}}]
Select **Apply** to save changes and continue.
{{tag>"new contract" "grade code" "optional identifier" "fixed price"}}