==== Setting up the Windows File Share for CATS ==== NDS recommends making the following changes to the CATS host server. These changes effect the entire server and should only be made after consultation with your internal IT department. If you have any question about whether you should be modifying the registry on the Server, you probably shouldn't. === Disable SMB2 and enable SMB1 === To avoid data state errors (including corruption and data loss) it is necessary to disable SMB2 file sharing services on the CATS host and enable SMB1 in its place. The newer file sharing services from Microsoft do not properly handle sharing files amongst multiple users and should be disabled. http://kb.bodhost.com/steps-to-enable-and-disable-smbv1-smbv2-and-smbv3-in-windows-servers/ Run the following commands from Powershell Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB2Protocol $false Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB1Protocol $true NDS recommends this change for all installations of CATS. === Disable "Packet Signing" for SMB === In some circumstances Windows file sharing speeds are dramatically improved by disabling the packet signing feature in CATS. Packet signing is intended to protect network activity from being modified in transit. http://mctexpert.blogspot.com/2011/02/disable-smb-signing.html NDS only recommends this change in case you are having issues with the speed of CATS.