=====Changing Column Settings in CATS===== {{entry>0;Settings/Column Settings;-}} Column settings control which columns appear and in what order, for all scans and documents in CATS. ====Change or Modify Columns==== There are a few ways in which CATS allows you to change columns in a scan. Go to the maintenance from the main menu, or use the question mark feature on the scan. ===Change Columns from Setup=== To change and/or order the column, go to **Maintenance > Setup > Displayed Columns.** [{{:cats:settings:maintenance_setup_columns.png?|Setup for displayed columns}}] Select the columns template from the chooser and then press **Continue**. [{{:cats:settings:maintenance_setup_selectcolumnstoedit.png?|Select columns to edit.}}] Here you can modify or change the columns.The order column, in this example, is numbered 1 to 13. All columns with numbers will show up on the document. If you do not want certain columns on the form, enter 0. [{{:cats:settings:setup_displayedcolumnsedit.png?|Choose the columns to be displayed}}] **Exit** will save any changes and return to the previous screen.\\ To create a custom heading, go to **Tools > Customize heading.**\\ [{{:cats:settings:displayedcolumns_tools.png?|Use tools to create custom heading }}] Enter the new column header and press **Ok** to continue. [{{:cats:settings:displayedcolumns_toolscustomheading.png?|Enter new column header}}] Press **Yes** to confirm your changes. [{{:cats:settings:displayedcolumns_toolscustomheadingy.png?|Confirm the column header}}] These changes will be saved on the columns template and on the form. [{{:cats:settings:displayedcolumns_test1.png?|Template with new header}}] ===Change Columns from a Scan=== To change columns from a scan, go to any scan and use the question mark feature. For example, go to the main menu and select **Accounting > Ledger Scan**.\\ [{{:cats:questions:settings:scancolumns_accountingledgerscan.png?|Accounting Ledger Scan}}] The ledger scan will come up and then you choose the **Question Mark** and then **Modify Scan** from the menu.\\ [{{:cats:questions:settings:scancolumns_ledgerscanquestionmarkmodify.png?|Ledger Scan Modify}}] Here you can modify or change the columns. The order column, in this example, is numbered 1 to 26. All columns with numbers will show up on the scan. If you do not want certain columns on the scan enter 0.\\ [{{:cats:questions:settings:scancolumns_ledgerscanquestionmarkmodifyscreen0.png?|Ledger Scan Change Column Numbers}}] Exit takes you back to the ledger scan screen. ====Choose Marks Column==== You can change how columns appear on forms in CATS. For example, here is a printed DO that needs the location column printed on it. [{{:cats:settings:displayedcolumns_originaldo.png?|Delivery order form print out}}] Go to **Maintenance > Setup > Displayed Columns** and select the marks columns template from the chooser. In this example, we choose MKDO. Press **Continue**. [{{:cats:settings:displayedcolumns_changecolumnsondo.png?|Change columns on DO}}] Add in the column you want by placing a number under the **Order** column. **Exit** will save any changes and return to the previous screen.\\ [{{:cats:settings:displayedcolumns_addcolumns.png?|}}] The column has been added. It will now show up on the delivery order. [{{:cats:settings:displayedcolumns_newdo.png?|Delivery order with column added}}]