=====Printing a Monthly Invoice Listing for One Account===== {{entry>0;Monthly Invoice Listing;-}} This can be used to see invoices for one account within a month (or for a specific time period). Go to **Invoicing > Monthly Invoice Listing**. [{{:cats:procedures:invoices:monthlyinvoice_menu.png?|Monthly Invoice Menu}}] This will take you to the Print Monthly Invoice Listing Report screen. [{{:cats:procedures:invoices:monthlyinvoice_standardprintmonthlyinvoicescreen.png?|Print Monthly Invoice Listing Report}}] Here you will enter specific information and view your report. Any field in red is mandatory and needs to be filled in to view the report. * Report Title -the default title, ACCOUNT STATEMENT, will show but you can change this by typing over the default.\\ * Show Invoices For Period - Enter your date frame. The default date will be the first day of the last whole month.\\ * Account - Type in your account name or click the more **[...]** button to pull up a list of accounts. Highlight the account and press **Select**. See picture below.\\ * Basis Units - LB, KG, MT\\ [{{:cats:procedures:invoices:monthlyinvoice_clickonaccount.png?|}}] Most fields in grey will be automatically filled in once you choose the account. The Closing Note will be the only field left blank.\\ [{{:cats:procedures:invoices:monthlyinvoice_greytitlesfilledin.png?|Invoice box with grey titles filled in}}] If you click in the Account Address box, you can edit the address. Before you edit the address, CATS will ask you to confirm. Press **Yes** to continue. These changes will only appear on the monthly invoice listing and will not be stored in CATS. [{{:cats:procedures:invoices:monthlyinvoice_editaddress.png?|Edit address}}] On the bottom left of this screen you will choose how you want to **View Report In** - Browser, Document or Spreadsheet. Press **Continue** to print report. Press **Cancel** to cancel print. You will then return to the invoicing menu.\\ [{{:cats:procedures:invoices:monthlyinvoice_viewreportoptions.png?|Print Monthly Invoice Listing Report}}] Here is a sample of a monthly invoice listing. The columns from left to right are: * Contract Number * Invoice Number(optional) * Marks * Container Number * Weight * Price per Unit * Total (Total amount is weight of mark x Invoice unit price). [{{:cats:procedures:invoices:monthlyinvoice_accountstatementexplanation.png?|Account Statement}}] The following items on this invoice report will be a default. You may un-check them if you want.\\ - Group By Class\\ - Show Invoice Numbers\\ - Show Due Date\\ Here is a sample invoice report including the default options mentioned above.\\ [{{:cats:procedures:invoices:monthlyinvoice_defaultprintinbrowser_001.png?|Sample invoice with default options}}] You may add a closing note if you choose. Type your comments in the **Closing Note** box. If you want to list invoice numbers in your closing note, check the box **List Invoice Numbers In Closing Note**. [{{:cats:procedures:invoices:monthlyinvoice_addingclosingnote.png?|Adding a closing note on an invoice}}] Here is a sample invoice with a closing note. [{{:cats:procedures:invoices:monthlyinvoice_closingnoteoption.png?|Sample invoice add with closing note options}}] {{tag>"monthly invoice listing"}}