=====Change Invoice Due Date and Remarks===== {{entry>0;Invoice/Change Due Date;-}} This is a step-by-step guide to changing a due date or remark on an invoice. ====Quick Guide Steps==== - Go to **Invoicing > Change Invoice Due/Remark**. - Select invoice screen will show. Pick the invoice you want to edit and press **Continue**. - The change invoice due date/ remark screen will popup. Make your changes and click **Apply**. - You will then return to the main menu. ====Changing Due Date or Remark on an Invoice==== CATS allows you to create and edit remarks on invoices. Go to **Invoicing > Change Invoice Due/Remark**. [{{:cats:procedures:invoices:invoicing_changeinvoicedue.png?|Change Invoice Due/Remark Menu}}] Select invoice screen will pop up. You can filter by: Type, Invoice number, Date After, or Ref number. Pick the invoice you want to edit and **Continue**.\\ [{{:cats:procedures:invoices:invoicing_changeinvoicedueselect.png?|Select Invoice and Press Continue}}] The change invoice due date/ remark screen will popup. Here you can change or add: due date, remark, broker or customer reference number. Click **Apply** to save your changes and return to the menu.\\ [{{:cats:procedures:invoices:invoicing_changeinvoiceduedateorremark.png?|Edit Information on the invoice and pick apply}}] {{tag>"change invoice due date"}}