====== Vendor Order Maintenance ======= This page will describe how to set up the Vendor Order system in CATS. In this wiki, you can learn: * How to enabled (or disable) the vendor order system in CATS. * How to define vendor roles. * How to work with vendor order templates. ===== Enabling/Disabling Vendor Orders ===== Go to **File > Maintenance > Setup > System Setup**. Click on the Costing Selection tab and check the box **Enable vendor orders (for applying vendor costs to traffic documents)**. This will enable the vendor order feature. You can disable the feature by un-checking the box. Press **Save** to continue. [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:vendororder_enablesystemoption.png|Enable system option}}] ===== Vendor Roles ===== Vendor Roles define cost types that apply to specific types of traffic forms and counter-party accounts. Vendor Roles are created in the **Accounting > Vendor Roles**. [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:accounting_vendortemplateaccess.png?|Create a vendor role}}] ==== Vendor Roles: Quick Guide ==== - From the main menu, go to **Accounting > Vendor Roles.** - Select **Add** from the menu. - Enter a **Cost Code** and a **Form Type**. Check the box, next to **Internal** if this is an internal form. - Enter **Name, Source and Account**. Press **Apply** to continue. - Make a role manual by checking the box next to **Manual**. Manual vendor roles will not pull in automatically to any VO. Instead, you will need to add them each time to the VO you want them to appear on. - Press **Apply** to continue. - Click **Exit** to return to the main menu ==== Modifying Vendor Roles ==== To add a role, choose **Add** on the menu bar. [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:accounting_addvendorrole.png?|Add a new vendor role}}] Enter a **Cost Code** and a **Form Type**. Check the box, next to **Internal** if this is an internal form. Press **Apply** to continue. [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:vendororder_addroles.png|Add a vendor role}}] Next, enter **Name, Source and Account**. Press **Apply** to continue. [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:vendororder_reviewroles.png|Review vendor roles}}] By default, Vendor Roles listed or added here will populate to the matching traffic form type automatically.\\ [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:vendororder_vendorroles.png|Scan list of vendor roles}}] Column Explanations * Code - Cost code. * Form - Traffic form code (DO, SI, SO, etc.). * I - This column would be blank unless this role is for an internal traffic form, then it would display **''I''**. * Name - Vendor role name, assigned by you. * Source - The code that CATS will look at to match to a counterparty account. These can be: **ACCOUNT** - The account code on the traffic form.\\ **BUYER** - The Buyer code (sale contract account code).\\ **SELLER** - The Seller code (purchase contract account code).\\ **CARRIER** - The Carrier code on the item or location screen.\\ **CUSTOM** - The Customs Broker on the location screen.\\ **PIER** - The Pier code on the location screen (which has an account code in the table).\\ **TRUCK** - The Truck code on the order.\\ **WH** - The Warehouse code on the location screen.\\ * Account - Account associated with this vendor role. This must be a counterparty code in the Accts: Name/Address file. * A - The default for this column is Active which would be blank. **N** is not active. **M** means the vendor role will be pulled onto the vendor order but it will need to be added manually. There is no way to delete a vendor role once it's created. You will have to mark it inactive. ==== Manual Vendor Roles ==== If you add from the vendor order itself, that role would be considered manual. Manual vendor roles will not pull in automatically to any VO. Instead, you will need to add them each time to the VO you want them to appear on. You can make a role manual by checking the box next to **Manual** while Editing a role.\\ [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:vendororder_makerolemanual.png|Checking the Manual box on a role.}}] [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:vendororder_manualroleexample.png|Manual role displaying M in the Active column}}] Click **Exit** to return to the main menu or the homepage. ===== Vendor Order Templates ===== Vendor Order Templates tie Vendor Roles to specific counterparty accounts with fixed rates. Use Vendor Templates to define a negotiated rate with a vendor. When a traffic form (such as a DO or SI) is created, CATS will pull information from the templates that match the roles that apply to that specific form. ====Quick Guide Steps to Vendor Order Templates==== - Go to **Accounting > Vendor Roles** to add an order template. - Go to **Template** on top menu and choose the role. - The role, cost and form will already be filled in based on the vendor role you selected. You must fill in **vendor** and **rate** to complete the template. - Press **Save** to continue. ==== Vendor Order Templates: Quick Guide ==== Go to **Accounting > Vendor Roles** to view, add, and edit templates. [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:accounting_vendortemplateaccess.png?|Accessing Vendor Templates}}] Here you can add, edit, or remove templates. To add or review a template, highlight a role in the scan, then go to **Templates** and choose a way to look up a template. [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:accounting_vendortemplate.png?|Select a way to review vendor order templates.}}] * **For Role** - Manage templates for the currently highlighted vendor role. * **For Account** - Enter an account code to view templates for that account code. * **For Form** - Enter a traffic form type to view templates for that traffic form type. * **For Form and Account** - Enter both a traffic form type and an account to view templates for these criteria. The **Role, Cost and Form** will already be filled in based on the vendor role you selected. You must fill in **Vendor** and **Rate** to complete the template. Press **Save** to continue. [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:vendororder_modifyvendortemplate.png|Modify or add vendor template}}] The vendor template scan will now show the template that was added. Press **Save** on the top menu bar to continue. [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:vendororder_templatescanwithaddedtemplate.png|Vendor order template scan with added template}}] You can also change certain values directly from this scan without using the **Edit** menu option. You can change the Account, Currency, Rate, Basis, Minimum, and Lock status. Once you have changed items in the scan, be sure to pick **Save** from the top menu to save changes, or select **Cancel** to revert back to the original values. ==== Template Options ==== * If you lock the rate on a template, users will not be able to change the rate for vendor order line items added automatically by CATS. To lock the rate, click the box next to **Lock Rate**. You may unlock the rate at any time by un-checking this box. The **Lock** column in the vendor templates scan will show **''YES''** for a locked rate item. ++ (Red box in image) | [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:vendororder_templatereviewlocked.png|Lock template rate by picking lock while reviewing it.}}] ++ * Templates can also be marked **Required**. Required templates do not allow you to remove them from the list of vendor order line items on traffic forms. The **Lock** column in the vendor templates scan will show **''REQ''** for a required item. ++ (Blue box in image) | [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:vendororder_templatereviewrequired.png|Make template required while reviewing it.}}] ++ * If a template is **both** Locked and Required, the **Lock** column in the vendor templates scan will show **''ALL''** for that template. ++ (Purple box in image) | [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:vendororder_templatereviewlockedandrequired.png|Template is locked and required}}] ++ [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:vendororder_templateswithlockrequiredall.png|Red shows locked (YES), Blue shows required (REQ), Purple shows both (ALL)}}]