=====Create Order Template===== CATS allows user to create multiple templates for different order types. ====New Order Template==== Go to **Traffic > Form Scan**. [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:traffic_formscan.png?|Adding a new order template}}] The form scan list will show. Go to **Edit** on the top left menu bar. This will pull up the Final Entry (FE) form. [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:traffic_formscanedit.png?|Edit a form scan}}] From the order form, go to **Template > Add** on the top menu bar. [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:traffic_formscanordertemplateadd.png?|Add new template}}] Enter the template label. Press **OK** to continue. [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:traffic_ordertemplateentername.png?|Enter template name}}] CATS will ask if you want to copy the current form to create the template. Choose **Yes** to continue. [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:traffic_ordertemplatecopyformat.png?|Copy the current template}}] The template for the form is ready to be filled in. The only information that needs to be filled in, is the **Note** and **Remarks**. [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:traffic_ordertemplatefillout.png?|Enter in the notes and remarks on the template}}] Press **Save** to save the format. [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:traffic_ordertemplatesave.png?|Save the template}}] You can change the note or remarks at any time by using the magnifying glass that appears on the bottom right corner of the note or remark entry box. [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:traffic_ordertemplatemagnifying.png?|Use magnifying glass to edit order template}}] ====Accessing the Template from Location Screen==== The template can be accessed from the location screen. Using a template will copy certain fields that do not relate to the traffic screen. Navigate as usual to the location screen you are using. Go to **Ord > Add form**. [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:traffic_locationscreenaddform.png?|Add form from location screen}}] Select the traffic form **type**. Then choose **Use Template** to pick the template you created. [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:traffic_addformusetemplate.png?|Choose the traffic form type and select template}}] The information from the template you created will be added to the location screen. [{{:cats:procedures:traffic:traffic_templateused.png?|Template added to location screen}}] **Exit** to return to menu.\\