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Automated Past Due Notification

Using the CATS service and the work scheduler, you can configure CATS to automatically send reminders and notifications to your customers when their invoices are becoming due or are past due.

Creating a Past Due Notification Work Item

To start, go to the Work Scheduler listing at

File > Maintenance > General Maintenance > Work Scheduler

Select “New Item” in the menu and then choose the “PASTDUE” option from the list of work item types.

This will create a new work item for your past due notification.

Notification Triggers

The first time you create a past due work item, you'll be prompted to set up an initial trigger threshold. Enter the number of days past the due date for the first trigger.

Set up past due notification triggers

The “Triggers” tab of the past due dialog contains a list of all the triggers for the current work item. You can move between the triggers by clicking on the numbers in the column on the left-hand side.

Check the box labeled “Send daily reminders” to have the trigger activate every day after the threshold is met. This allows you to send a reminder notification daily, rather than waiting for a specific date.

Configuring the Notification Message

Each trigger configured for the work item has its own message and subject-line. This means you can set up a notification to trigger for 10 days overdue, 15 days overdue, and 45 days overdue, with increasingly urgent language depending on the situation.

The notification message and subject lines have a number of special entries that allow you to display specific information related to the counterparty and invoices affected.

These special entries are surrounded by curly brackets. The entries are listed below.

Special entries that refer to multiple invoices take a [MODE] parameter to control which invoices they apply to:

[MODE] in this case can be:

Types of Triggers

The notification service works using configurable triggers based on the number of days past due for invoices.

Account Status Triggers

Account status triggers are triggers that fire only once per counterparty account.

You would use an account status trigger when you want to send an “overdue” notice to a customer which lists all their open invoices with balances. For example, if a customer has three unpaid invoices and one of them crosses a due date threshold, a message will be generated showing all three invoices in a listing.

Invoice Status Triggers

Invoice status triggers are triggers that fire for each invoice individually.

You would use an invoice status trigger to send a reminder notice to a customer when their invoices are about to come due. For example, if a customer has an unpaid invoice that is due to be paid in 5 days, a message will be generated showing that invoice.

Email Options

The email options tab lets you modify the header information for the outgoing emails. These settings apply to all triggers listed on the trigger page.

Account Whitelist & Blacklist

Working with Past Due Contacts