Net Physical Position

The Net Physical position report presents the entire physical position (all trades, fixed or unfixed) entered into CATS. Purchases and sales are used with opposite signs to balance out the position so you can see a total number of units. Go to Position Reports > Net Physical Position.

Net Physical Position Access Menu

There are several levels of detail you can choose to show on this report, including: Subcat - Subcategory Grade - Description Code Category Grade/Loc4 - A special detail breaking out by Grade and the Location 4 field. Traffic Screen The level of detail you choose dictates how CATS will break out each line of the report. For example, if you choose Grade, you will see a list of each grade running top to bottom with a total of each column for that grade. If you choose Contract, you will see a list of each contract item instead.

Choose level of detail for net physical report

You can also choose the units for this report. This report only shows one type of unit for all columns, so you will never see a mix of MT or Bags. The units available include: Units - Bags, or the default unit for the system. MT - Metric Tons. Equiv MT - The amount of metric tons based on each grade code’s default MT weight. 69 Kg Bags - All items are shown with a weight of 69kg instead of the grade code’s default bag weight. Short Tons Contracts - The most common choice, this option shows the number of exchange lots for each item. P/L Total - Total Profit and Loss based on booked or projected dollar amounts. …and various other price-based options.

Select units for net physical report

You must select one product only. If you have only one system product, such as COF or COC, this will be picked for you automatically.

Enter product for net physical report

Screen 2: Alloc Grades Differ - Purchase (This tells CATS what to do if grades are cross-allocated).

Allocate grade differ on net physical report

Select Continue on top menu bar to save changes and print report.

Sample net physical report