Table of Contents

Report Management and Ownership

In CATS, saved report formats can be locked by a user to prevent other users from deleting or changing it. This feature is called “Report Management” or “Report Ownership”.

Any user can become the owner of a report that they have access to print. Only a supervisor or other user with rights to the Report Management area can change the ownership and editing rights of users.

Report Ownership

For any saved report format (a report with a name in a list) that you can print and view, you can take ownership.

Taking ownership of a report prevents other users from taking the following actions:

Simply click on the Take Ownership link to the right of the report details when that report name is selected.

Click on the Take Ownership link to claim a report as your own.
There are two levels of ownership. One locks all other users from changing the report, but allows you to make changes. The next level prevents your user ID from making changes to the report as well.

Once you have claimed ownership of a report, the way the report details are displayed changes. First, you will see that the link to the right of the description now reads Release Ownership.

The Release Ownership link is now displayed.

Clicking on this link will remove your ownership of this report, meaning that other users will be able to modify, rename, and delete it once again.

If another user goes to view your report, they will see that the Copy, Rename, and Delete buttons are not accessible, and changing the Description field for that report is no longer allowed. They will also be able to see the current report owner.

Report details as seen when viewing a report owned by another user.

If you click on the lock icon next to the Release Ownership link on a report you own, you will lock the report from all changes, including those attempted by your user ID.

Viewing the details on a report locked by your user.

CATS also prevents users from saving over a report format when printing a report using the Modify button. When you attempt to save a modified report you have locked or a report owned by another user, you will see the following warning.

Warning that report is locked and cannot be saved with the same name.

When you click the OK button, you will be prompted to enter a report name again.

Report Management

Ownership of reports can be managed through the Report Management area.

Only supervisors or experienced users should have access to the Report Management area of CATS.

To access this feature, choose Report Management from the main CATS menu.

Select Report Management from the main menu to use the report management feature.

The next screen shows a list of the most frequently printed reports in the system.

List of frequently printed reports in the system.

Using the toolbar menu, you can filter or search this list.

Select Search to look up a report by Creator or Type.

Click on Search to look up a report by Creator or Type.

Enter the value you want to search for, then click the Apply button.

Enter the value to search for, then pick Apply.


Choose Filter to filter this list by the selected value.

Choose Filter to filter this list of reports.

Options are:


Use the Tools menu option to perform the following functions on reports that are owned by any user.

The tools menu options for a report.
Change details about this report, including ownership.
Select more or less to filter by values.

For example:

Once you have finished with scanning these reports, select Save from the top menu to save changes and exit. Or, pick Cancel to undo any changes you have made and exit to the previous menu.