Table of Contents

Setting up an Online Backup


This page will demonstrate how to work with the CATS Azure backup tool to backup and recover the CATS database and crucial files. (Microsoft Azure is a cloud storage and computing service.)

The Azure backup tool works in tandem with the CATS Backup utility.


When you open the program you will see a screen like the one below.

New Data Systems will provide a “Shared Access Key” which grants access to your backup storage. Click on Cloud Settings and enter this key in the provided field. (Once entered, the key will be automatically stored for future use.)

Once the key has been entered, you will be able to access your backup storage.

Please see the sections below for:

Preparing the Backup Directory

The Azure backup program can backup multiple CATS instances to the same backup storage. To create a new backup directory for an instance, select “Create New…” from the drop down and click on Backup.

You will be prompted to enter a name for this instance. We recommend using a descriptive name.

The settings for a new instance are displayed in the top half of the backup dialog, as shown below.

The very first box “Name:” should have the descriptive name you entered for your instance, however it is possible to change it before you have run the backup by pressing the Rename button.

Next you will have to create a name for your base folder within azure backup. The base folder is the main repository you create for all of your instances; every time you create a new backup it will be organized under this folder.

The “Executable to run…” box is the directory and path from which your information will be coming from on your computer. Select your hard drive options for these before you begin backing anything up.

Adding a password to your new instance is not mandatory, however if you do not want your files to be accessed than you may want to encrypt it with your own unique password

Backing up CATS Files

Before moving on, it is important to know which backup is right for you

In most cases, Incremental backup is the correct choice. You should use Full Backup only in certain specific circumstances.

To backup a new project, select Incremental on the form above.

You should also use the Incremental backup to update the backup. Running incremental backups makes more sense as they take far less time to backup the updated files.

The Backup History box shows information about the backup project:

Restoring CATS Files

Clicking Restore on the “CATS Cloud Backup” screen as shown in setup brings you to the screen shown below.

From this screen you can choose to restore:

If the backup is encrypted you will have to type in the password into the textbox in order to be able to restore the files.

Check off the “Group dependent files” box if you have any files within the project that have individual files grouped together in one file type.

The View as of: button allows you to go back and restore files from older versions from before your last incremental or full backup. It defaults to restore from your most recent backup, but you can go in and change the date by clicking on the button.

Once you have chosen your restore options, click Restore and the loading screen shown below shall indicate that it is working.

Backing up CATS Files using the Command Line

In order to backup straight from the command line, you must enter the directory of where your backup file is located. Next you will have to type in :Q which means the backup won't ask you what to do, it will simply run the backup; while :P specifies the project you are backing up. After entering those two, type in the name of the project you have backed up previously.

In this example, AzureBackup.exe is located in C:\CATS\AwsBackup\AzureBackup.exe. Press space and type in :Q, press space again and type in :P, than one more space and specify the name you assigned your backup when entering the information in the backup manager. In this case ours is called Test.

Once you click enter, the backup will initialize and your files will be updated.