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The payable grid invoice allows the entry of Vendor Invoices using a grid-style entry that can be more efficient when entering an invoice for a large number of costing items. From the main menu, go to Invoices > Invoice Preparation > Add > Vendor.

Access vendor invoice menu

Select invoice type Vendor Payable Grid and press Continue.

Select vendor payable grid

Enter the invoice account, number, date, and, if you want, contract number. Select Apply to continue and CATS will create the invoice and show you the invoice review screen.

Create a new vendor invoice

Select Invoice Item from the top menu bar.

Add invoice items

Here you can:

  • Add - Add items manually.
  • Copy - Copy an already existing item.
  • Delete - Delete an item line.
  • Tools - Import directly from a traffic screen or set a fixed price.
Menu bar options to add, copy, delete or use tools on invoice items


Vendor invoice items must be added manually by selecting Add from the top menu. Fill in the values you want to use. Choose Exit to save and return back to the invoice.

Add invoice items for the vendor grid


You can select Copy from the top menu bar to copy an invoice item that you have already added.


You can select Delete from the top menu bar to delete a line item.

Tools (Import from traffic report)

To import items from a traffic report, go to Tools > Import from Traffic Report.

Import from Traffic Report

Select cost code and GL number and press Apply.

Add cost code and GL account

You will return to the invoice items screen. Here you will see the items from the traffic report that you have added.

Items from the traffic report that have been added to this vendor payable grid

Tools (Set Price)

To apply a total amount to these invoice items that you added, go to Tools > Set Price.

Set price on invoice items

Choose Type (Weighted Average), and enter the Total Amount and cost code. Check off the box to Apply the amount to entries for one cost code. This will take a weighted average and apply the costs to one account. When done, click Apply.

Add price to entries

You will be taken back to the invoice and will now see the invoice items listed on invoice.

Items shown on invoice

Vendor invoices need to be printed and posted to the General Ledger just as purchase and sales (inventory) invoices do. You must print an invoice before you can post it. Printing and Posting Invoices

  • cats/procedures/invoices/payablegrid.1467130783.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/12/19 03:21
  • (external edit)