
Each company can have multiple addresses. CATS allows you to add or edit any address field found on invoices, traffic forms, delivery orders and contracts. There are a few ways to do this.

Go to Accounting > Accts:Name/Address > Review Account.

Multiple Address Tool from Account

Enter an account record that you want to add or edit the address and press OK.

Edit Account Record

Go to Other Address on the top menu.

The address information box will pop-up. Use the Address List tab to search addresses.

Widen the dialog to see more address fields. From the address information box, you can:

  • Add- Add a new empty alternate address for this company.
  • Copy- Copy the currently selected address into a new alternate address.
  • Edit- View/Edit the details of this address.
  • Print- Print an address label.
Address Information Box Address List Tab

You can also select the company by choosing the Company tab. Use the Filter controls below the list to search the company list.

Address information Box Company Tab

Click Add to add a new address.

Add a new address

Enter the new information and press OK.

Add Main Address

Assign a tag to the new address and press OK.

Addresses are identified by their tag. The Main tag is the default tag for this company. You can add new addresses, each with their own tag. Some special tags include:
  • CONTRACT - Automatically shows up as the counterparty address on contract confirmations.
  • INVOICE - Automatically populates as the counterparty address on invoices for this account.
  • DO - Shows up as the default address for this account on Delivery Orders.
Tag New Address

The new address will show in the address information box.

Choose Copy to copy the currently selected address into a new address.

Copy the selected address into a new address

Add any additional information or make changes and press OK.

Press Ok after making changes to copied address

You will return to the address information box which will reflect the updated address.

Choose Edit to view and edit the details of this address.

Edit details and press OK.

Edit main address.

The updated address will show in the address information box.

You can also add or review an address from the right hand corner of the review account screen.
Click Add to add an address.

Add an address.

Click Review to review an address.

Review an address.

Highlight the address you want to delete and press Delete.

Delete an address.

From any form pick Address from the top menu and you can edit address for Delivery Clerk, Send Samples, Sample By or Account Of.

Choose address from top menu.

For example, pick Address > Delivery clerk, select your account code and Apply.

You will then return to the standard address information box pop up.

Address Information Box

Proceed as described above to change the address.

You can also edit an address from a contract confirmation. Open a contract and go to Cntr on the top menu.

Go to a Contract Confirmation

Go to Address on top menu to add or change a address.

Go to address on top menu from a contract confirm.

Select the company that you would like to add an address.

Select address you want to edit.

Add or edit the address and press OK to accept.

Press OK to accept address.

The changes will now appear on the contract confirmation. Exit will bring you back to contract main.

You can add a contact to an account code.
Go to Accounting > Accts:Name/Address > Review Account.

Multiple Address Tool from Account

Enter the account code that you want to add a contact.

Edit Account Record

On the right hand side of the screen you will see two boxes. Press Add under the box on the right labeled Contacts.

Add address or contacts

Add in the contact information and press OK.

Add contact information

You can review a contact by pressing Review under the box on the right labeled Contacts.

Review contact screen

The address information box will pop up. Highlight the contact you want to delete and press Delete.

Delete a contact

Press Cancel then Exit to return to the review account menu.

  • cats/procedures/accounting/multipleaddress.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/03/03 17:40
  • by jen