
This is an old revision of the document!

This section has information on creating Sampling Orders from a sample entry.

To create a sampling order, open the sample that you want to create an order. Once the sample screen is open go to SO on the top menu bar and choose Add Sample Order.

Adding a sampling order

Enter an order number and press Save.

Creating a sampling order.

Enter an account code and press Apply.

Add an account code

The sampling order is complete. Go to Prn on top menu bar to choose a print option.

Sampling order

Once a traffic form (SO) is created, you can add a sample to the order. Go to Sample on the top menu bar.

Adding a sample to a traffic form.

Choose to add a received or outgoing sample.

Adding a sample to a traffic form

Select the sample type and then Continue.

Select sample type

Next, add the details to the sample entry. Press Apply to continue.

Add details to the sample

The sample has been created. Press Exit to return to the traffic form.

  • cats/procedures/sampling/createsampleorder.1529590922.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018/06/21 14:22
  • by jen