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cats:releasenotes:cats2410 [2024/04/17 01:41] wiki_admincats:releasenotes:cats2410 [2024/05/15 21:21] (current) wiki_admin
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 <color red>**[FIX]**</color> **Tax Items on Invoices** \\ Tax line-items on invoices were reworked with this update so that they will automatically calculate the total amount based on the entered tax rate. <color red>**[FIX]**</color> **Tax Items on Invoices** \\ Tax line-items on invoices were reworked with this update so that they will automatically calculate the total amount based on the entered tax rate.
-{{tag>release notes}}+{{tag>"release notes"}}
 &description = February 2024 &description = February 2024
 ~~ ~~
  • cats/releasenotes/cats2410.1713318073.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/04/17 01:41
  • by wiki_admin