
The Batch Traffic module can be used to make changes to multiple location screens all at once. You can change one or any number of fields on the location screen. You can also see a list of marks that match various criteria.

There are two ways to get a list of traffic screens to be displayed and changed.

  1. From the Batch Traffic Listing on the homescreen.
  2. From the Batch Traffic Edit Module using File > Traffic > Batch Traffic Edit.

On the CATS homescreen, you can lookup a list of traffic screens based on a multi-filter system. This tool enables you to display all screens that meet certain criteria. Enable this option by clicking on the Layout button, then choosing “Traffic Listing” and clicking the check mark to the left of it.

Pick Traffic Listing to add it to the homescreen.

Click on the “Click here to select records” link to change the applied filters.

Click on the link to select records using filters.

Enter some filters and click the Apply button to see the records that match those filters.

Enter some filters and pick Apply.

CATS will display the list of traffic screens that match those filters.

List of matching traffic screens.
Filters are cumulative, meaning choosing one, then another, will apply both filters to the list of traffic screens.
For codes, exact matches are needed, or the list will return blank. Meaning, entering 9THWON will not pull up any records, but 9THWOND will find the correct items. For other fields, such as “Bill of Lading”, only partial matches are needed.

These are the icons, left to right:

  • Pencil and green arrow: Open the batch edit screen (see the section below for more information).
  • Browser (paper with blue ball): Print the list to HTML.
  • Excel sheet (Excel x and paper): Open the list as a spreadsheet.
A list of traffic screens printed to Excel.

You can see a list of screens that meet specific criteria and edit the fields on those screens and/or create a traffic order from a list of marks associated with those screens. To access this area, pick File > Traffic > Batch Traffic from the Main menu.

Accessing the Batch Traffic Edit feature.

Select from the list of available filters using the Change Filter link.

Choose a filter to use to list traffic screens.

Enter a value for the filter and pick Apply.

Enter a value in the filter and pick Apply.
You can include/exclude sales invoiced or allocated screens by checking and un-checking the provided boxes.
For codes, exact matches are needed, or the list will return blank. Meaning, entering 9THWON will not pull up any records, but 9THWOND will find the correct items. For other fields, such as “Bill of Lading”, only partial matches are needed.
Filters are singular, meaning choosing one, then another, will apply only the LAST ENTERED filter to the list of traffic screens.

A list of matching screens will pop up. Click on the Batch Edit button to change values on the screens and see a list of marks.

Select Batch Edit to continue.

A typical traffic screen will be displayed. All fields with multiple values in them will display xxxxxxx to indicate this. If a value is displayed, that means all traffic screens have that same value on them. To further see a breakdown of values or filter the list of screens by a particular value, click on that field.

Filter or see a breakdown of values for a field.

Select a value from that list and pick “Set Filter”.

Now we are filtering by just the screens that are AF. Pick “Edit” from the menu to change the values on the screen.

Edit the values on this screen.

Make all of the changes you want to on this screen. On the right, you will see a list of changes CATS will make.

A list of changes is displayed on the right of the screen.

Select the ''Save“' button to proceed with these listed changes.

  • To clear a field, select “Clear” next to that value.
  • To return a field to its previous value, pick “Reset”.
Clear or Reset values in the changes.
  • cats/procedures/traffic/batchtraffic.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/06/30 22:45
  • by amanda